
We went on a daaaaaaaate! To the aquarium! For White Day! Love you, Hotaru-kun! Let's do it again soon!


Thanks everyone for coming out to the club fair today! It was so much fun! Oh, that reminds me- anyone who helped, I have a couple leftover snacks if you want anyIchikaSnack_1! Just let me know!

Also, sorry to worry you all! My hand is alright, just blistering a little. The nurse gave me something to put on it. It looks worse than it is, I swear. And if you didn't notice, then don’t worry about anything I just said!


Hello everyone!

The Tea Society is joining the school's club fair again! We're running a maid cafe! Please come out and support the club, and stay for a nice cup of tea!

(I recommend the chanomile and peppermint mix! It's really good for getting rid of headaches.)

I'll also be baking things for the cafe! I always wanted to own a bakery, so this is good practice!

Side note, does anyone know where to get an XL maid dress? For... reasons. Sorry, Maasaki, yours was a bit too small...


Did you hear about the sinkhole that opened up in the track this afternoon? I hope everyone is okay! That's so scary!

Also, Hotaru? You were in such a rush to leave that you left your phone on the cafe counter. Wait. If you don’t have your phone you probably can't read this. Wait– I didn't even tell you about this blog!!! Oh my god please don’t read this I'm sorry nobody tell him aaahhhhhhhh


The flashing arcade lights were dazzling. Dizzying, even. Or maybe it was just... exciting to be present at the time.

I'm not very good at video games. I mean. I try. I like farming sims and cute things.

At first I was a little afraid I was interrupting things. You seemed really busy. But I'm happy we got to hang out.

I'm not very good at crane games. Or any arcade games, really. But you're so precise that it's really impressive.

Anyway, we won matching cow plushies!


The order's always the same. A cup of black coffee. On rare occasions, egg toast.

How simple.

How wonderful it is that someone can enjoy something as basic as that.

But isn't it bitter sometimes?

Or isn't it dry?

Despite all that, it must be worth keeping around.

It definitely is.


Don't tell my boss I said this! But if you come to the Sakura Rose-- skip out on the egg toast. It's always underseasoned. Most of the savory things here are. I think we're too busy putting the salt in salted caramel than remembering to put it on anything else.

But really, the egg toast-- I don't know why we keep it on the menu. There's a lot of complaints about it.

Get any of the pastries instead! They're far more worth it. Some of them are my recipes! I really recommend the parfaits. It's like they always give you a boost!


Uh... hi! My name is Ichika! Ichika Tsukamoto. But sometimes people call me Ichigo. Because I like pink things! And strawberries!

I noticed that all my other friends were making blogs so I wanted to try it for myself! It's a little difficult though...

I don't really know what I'm gonna put on here. I like baking though! I'm pretty good at it. And sometimes I write poetry and things... it isn't always very good, but I'm doing my best!

I also want to try getting back to my dream journal. I used to do it for a while. I used to have really vivid dreams, but nowadays whenever I think something like that's gonna happen, I just wake up with a headache (πーπ)

But it should just be nice being able to share things with people!