Is anyone going to the big game? Jinta and I are going! It'll be fun! GO MAGNOLIA CITY CHARGERS!
Hi! I'm back! Sorry to worry you all earlier.
Does anyone know what blue centipedes (Rhysida celeris)eat? There seems to be a lot of them getting into my apartment.
I don't think they're native, either, so they could be invasive.
I hope it's not something that I'm doing that is attracting them. You all know I don't like harming the environment!
But these are really scary to squish, and anyways, it makes me feel mean.
Sent that earlier than i meant to
Just got bit by a centipede
Blue one
Pretty though but
Does anyone know what this thing is? Some kind of off-brand Tamagotchi?
I just found it in my locker when I went to get a bandaid.
...I hope everyone's doing alright. I tried to get a closer look at the sinkhole. The emergency services said there were no injuries reported, but that's not true– Jinta and those girls are all missing. I guess they're starting to get things together to go look for them, but
I don't know. I hope they're okay.
Maybe I should go check by myse
Hello this is Jinta, here to clarify that 1) I am not afraid of sheep, 2) Somebody changed the password on my blog and I can't get in, so Yukio is letting me use his. Please let me know who to contact so I can get access back to my account. From what I heard, I think they've edited some of my posts, too. This is a conspiracy, I swear...
At first I thought Jinta was losing it. And by that I mean... he was acting really normally when I last saw him. I think he finally got over his fear of raccoons! But then I ran into him again today...
He said we hadn't seen each other at all since the beginning of the week. He seemed a bit freaked out about it, actually. But he's also been reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and it's been giving him ideas again...
I really hope this doesn't give him an irrational fear of sheep. It wouldn't be the first time he did something like that. He saw Jaws and now he won't go swimming at all. Not even in a pool.
Hey! The track team asked me to tell you about the meet they have coming up at the end of the week! Come out and support the team! We'll also be reporting on the results of our recycling campaign! It'll be great!
Hi guys! I just wanted to let you all know about a fun new project that was started up by the sports teams!
We've decided to start an initiative for recycling electronics! So we'll be putting out collection bins around the school, and then I'll run things down to the recycling center at the end of the month! So bring old calculators, phones, dead batteries-- really anything of that sort, and we'll take care of it!
Somebody tell Jinta that the small mammals aren't out to get him. A squirrel (Sciurus lis) came up to him during lunch and he almost fainted. He asked if they were smart enough to plot revenge. I said no. And if you're nice to them, then there's absolutely nothing to worry about!.
YOOOO I SAW A PEACOCK!!! BIG AND BLUE!!! Pavo cristatus!!!
Jinta came by looking for it, but he was about 20 minutes late and it had already flown away by then. He asked me if they could turn invisible. I wonder why? It would be really cool if they did, though...