Hotaru Hayashida
1st year at Shidarezakura High
Professional Skills: Straightforward communication, follows instructions carefully, deliberate thought process
Experience/Extracirriculars: Student Council President of Suisen Junior High (all years) and Shidarezakura High (1st year, ongoing)
Likes: Alphabetizing things, routines, coffee
Dislikes: loud people, loud environments, sudden interruptions
Best Subject Math
Favorite Animal Penguins
Biography Hello, my name is Hotaru Hayashida. I am a first year at Shidarezakura High. I want to be an accountant.

It all started about four years ago...

Fun Facts Did you know there's a whole society that collects bread clips? I'm trying to join. I haven't found any that haven't already been catalogued, which is disappointing, but one day I hope to do so. I also collect paper clips. I also am learning to play the guitar.